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Tag 'scout'

Using the Scout System for Video Recording

Using the Scout System for Video Recording

Axel Gebauer walks through his experiences setting up a Scout Camera Trapping System for recording video.

Setting up the Ultimate Camera Trap

Setting up the Ultimate Camera Trap

Roy Dunn goes into detail on how to set up both a video and still camera trap at the same site - a spring in southern California.

Camera Trapping Adventures with Tom Mason

Camera Trapping Adventures with Tom Mason

Tom Mason walks through setting up a camera traps in Peru.  Tom talks through the equipment he uses and some of the challenges of setting up a camera trap in the Amazon.

Connecting Your Scout Camera Box

Connecting Your Scout Camera Box

Learn how to connect your camera and flashes to the Scout Camera Box.

Scout Transmitter Comparison

Scout Transmitter Comparison

Using the Aux Output to Wake Up a Speed-lite Flash

Using the Aux Output to Wake Up a Speed-lite Flash

How to use the Camera Box Aux Output to wake up your external speedlight flashes.

Benjamin Olson Talks Camera Trapping

Benjamin Olson Talks Camera Trapping

Benjamin Olson is a proffesional photographer who strives to use his photography to promote awareness of the perils the natural world faces today while working towards conservation and environmental restoration.  Ben talks through his evolution of camera trapping tools.  

A Camera Trapping Interview with Emmanuel Rondeau

A Camera Trapping Interview with Emmanuel Rondeau

Emmanuel Rondeau is a filmmaker and photographer, focusing mainly on wildlife conservation, but also on science and history. Here he shares his experience with Scout for camera trapping

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